TurboDB VCL Component Library


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dataweb provides technical support for TurboDB in the Internet.


Is your question in the frequently asked questions on the Web? Have a look at http://www.turbodb.de/en/support/faq_general.html.

Web Site

Visit the TurboDB Web site at http://www.turbodb.de.


dataweb hosts an English spoken discussion forum which is maintained by dataweb staff.


If you have questions or problems that are not answered on the Web Site or in the forum then send a mail to the dataweb support team under support@dataweb.de.

Professional Services

We offer you our expertise in consulting & programming in areas like TurboDB and general Windows programming in C++, Delphi, C#. We are specialized in storage and query implementation, design and implementation of scripting languages, evaluation of large amounts of time series data, automation and system engineering using editable diagrams: http://www.dataweb.de/en/products/diagramming.html