NShape Reference
LibrarySearchPaths Property

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NShape Reference
LibrarySearchPaths Property

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Specifies the directories where needed libraries are searched.


public IList<string> LibrarySearchPaths { get; }


Specifies the directories where needed libraries are searched.

If AutoLoadLibraries is set to false, the library search paths will be ignored.

When opening a repository, all libraries required for the repository that were not added to the project by the application, are searched in the library search paths. Paths added first will be searched first. If a matching library was found, it will be loaded without looking for newer versions of this library.

If you don't add any search path, the project will only load libraries of the same version. Repositories saved with older versions of a library cannot be loaded in this case because they will reference older library versions.

Enabling loading libraries from search paths opens a potential security hole.

It can be minimized by not adding any LibrarySearchPath and adding older library versions to the GAC (Global Assembly Cache). Please keep in mind that you do not benefit from bug fixes in this case. Moreover, this scenario adds some overhead to the deploying of your application.

See Also

Class Reference: Project.AddLibrary Method

Class Reference: Project.AddLibraryByName Method

Class Reference: Project.AddLibrarByFilePath Method

Class Reference: Project.AutoLoadLibraries Property